Job Search Triage
for 6-Figure Earners:

Free Bridgewell Leadership Series

March 12, 2024

at 11 am PST / 2 pm EST (60 minute sessions)

๐Ÿ›‘ Tired of putting out piles of resumes and applications only to never hear back?

๐Ÿ›‘ Maybe you're getting the first interview but never getting to the second?

๐Ÿ›‘ Or you're making it all the way through, only to get a ridiculous low-ball offer?

You're not alone. This job market is unstable.

This event will help you QUICKLY diagnose your 6-figure job search so you know EXACTLY what to fix right now to land a better job, faster.

"Promotion-readiness is freedom. Promotion-readiness is the freedom to never feel stuck in a job or environment you wouldn't choose simply because you've been led to believe you don't have a choice."

Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, CEO, Bridgewell LLC

When professionals get promotion-ready, they get to leave behind painful career-limiting compromises:

  • Overlooking pay gaps by telling yourself (or letting others tell you) you should just feel lucky to have a high-paying job

  • Tolerating mistreatment, discrimination, or disrespect because you assume it will be as bad anywhere else

  • Holding back your innovative ideas because you're afraid of being mislabeled as "difficult" or "not a team player"

  • Selling out your integrity or values because it's what "everyone else is doing"

  • Sacrificing your nights and weekends away from your family, friends, and passions without seeing the benefits of your extra effort

  • Giving up your physical or emotional health because you're "too busy" with work

Our next strategic leadership bootcamp is entirely dedicated to developing promotion-readiness so you can have the role, results, and impact you want to see.

When you're promotion-ready, your success is a matter of choice, not chance.

Meet Your Host ~ Asia Bribiesca-Hedin

Hi, I'm Asia.

I'm a management consultant and enterprise strategist turned leadership behavior specialist and executive coach.

Since launching Having a clear leadership and career strategy is essential for achieving professional success.

Without a strategy, you are simply reacting to circumstances beyond your control. When you get strategic, you will make intentional moves towards your goals.

Accomplished professionals choose to work with me because my strategic approach and coaching expertise has helped many become more strategic and intentional in their careers and lives. 

Whether itโ€™s a promotion, career change, or simply having more peace and satisfaction in your current role, by working together, you are choosing to empower yourself instead of leaving your plan in someone else's hands.

Your legacy is created one strategic decision at a time. 


What happens in the daily
Leadership Lesson Sessions??

Imagine a masterclass in leadership and career strategy, tailored just for you.

  • Each day we dive deep into core concepts, giving you actionable tools and strategies.

  • These arenโ€™t typical, off-the-shelf leadership lessons. They're specifically designed to help you think strategically and drive real results.

  • Itโ€™s about learning and understanding leadership principles that can be

    applied the same day to your current role.

What happens in the daily
Group Coaching Sessions?

Now imagine a collaborative think-tank where leaders come together to pool their collective experience, wisdom, and insights.

  • You'll present real-world scenarios, discuss challenges, and co-create solutions.

  • By hearing others' challenges and successes, you're equipped with an expanded toolkit of strategies and insights.

  • These arenโ€™t your standard coaching sessions. Youโ€™re not just benefiting from one-on-one expert coaching, but also from the diverse perspectives of fellow professionals.

What our participants say!

What our participants say!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does this 4-day strategic leadership bootcamp cost?

It's free. 100% free.

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Who attends the Strategic Leadership Bootcamp?

All professionals are welcome to attend the free bootcamp.

90% of the professionals in our paid leadership programs are 6-figure- and multi-6-figure earners of color.

We keep the topics and level of discussion in the bootcamp targeted to challenges and opportunities common to professionals of that level.

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Do I need to have a certain title or be at a certain level to attend?

No. All are welcome.

All you need in order to attend the bootcamp is a good Zoom connection and the willingness to learn and engage.

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Do I need to identify as a woman or person of color to attend?

No. All are welcome.

All you need in order to attend the bootcamp is a good Zoom connection and the willingness to learn and engage.

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Will you run out of spots?

Possibly. We will not limit the number of registrants, but the LIVE participation spots for each session are limited to the first 500.

We recommend you log in at least 5 minutes early to secure your spot.

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Will there be a replay?

Yes. The replay will be available for one week following the completion of the bootcamp.

We recommend you log in at least 5 minutes early to secure your spot if you want to attend live.

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Will you be selling us anything?

I thought you'd never ask! During the bootcamp we will open the doors to the Intentional Leadership Group, our 3-month group coaching program for 6-figure professionals. This group coaching program price is $3,750 and payment options will be available.

Bootcamp participants who enroll during the bootcamp will receive unmatched bonuses in addition to the 1:1 executive resumรฉ and LinkedIn makeovers you'll receive from our career marketing and resume expert:

Bonus #1: A 1:1 60-minute private session to craft your professional story with our outstanding career marketing expert. This means never hesitating about how to introduce yourself, or how to talk about what you and your team do in a way that's meaningful and interesting.

Bonus #2: A never done before 2-hour group workshop where Asia will map out how to get tagged for key opportunities FAST. You'll learn the new Intentional Opportunity Cultivation strategy and create your immediate next step plan together during the workshop.

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